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Smart Templates

Generate stunning email templates reflecting your brand in just one click

Explanation of how Smart Templates works

Mailify’s Smart Templates feature analyzes your website and automatically provides you with customized email and newsletter templates, that are ready to be sent.

Save time on template creation

Your customized email templates are fully generated by our intelligent algorithms within seconds. By simply typing the URL of your website, Mailify creates a dozen of professional templates.

Gagnez du temps
Générez des templates uniques

Generate unique and beautiful templates

You’re not inspired or don’t have a design team with you? The Smart Templates feature does the creative work for you and generates unique and inspiring templates to suit all your needs.

Use templates optimized for conversion

The layouts of our smart templates are designed by web designers specialized in email marketing. They are designed first and foremost to generate clicks on your links and to communicate your messages in the best possible way.

Modèles optimisés conversion

Reach all your recipients, regardless of the device they use

Our models are designed to be displayed on all types of devices. They are 100% responsive, to ensure perfect readability for any inbox and on any screen size.

Consistent representation of your brand in all your emails

The structure of the smart emails ensures graphic consistency in all your communications. By analyzing your website, our tool is able to detect your graphic identity to offer you templates that reflect your image.

Templates for all uses

  • Newsletter
  • Customer Birthday
  • Email notification
  • Abandoned cart reminder
  • News
  • Sales email
  • One-to-one prospecting
  • Official announcement
  • Internal communication
  • Registration confirmation
  • Welcome Email
  • Gift card

Logo CCI

Logo Parifex

Logo Capbloc

Logo CAF

Logo nouveal

Logo caisse d'épargne

Logo place de la communication

Logo nichrominox

Logo Boulanger

Logo Processus Evolution

The first smart feature to generate email templates.

Create better newsletters thanks to machine learning

Machine learning


Mailify provides you with smart features that improve the results of your campaigns.

More smart features


Watch our video tutorial to learn more about predictive sending.

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