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Reach your goals with Sarbacane!

Boost your turnover, build loyalty, inform...

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Inform, retain, promote

Sarbacane is a complete solution that allows you to make effective emails, newsletters and promotions... to develop and master your online communication.

retour sur investissement

A fast return on investment

Regardless of your level of experience, Sarbacane will help you improve your marketing, grow your sales, build customer loyalty and more.

solution simple

A simple and intuitive solution

The software is known for its intuitive interface that allows you to set up campaigns quickly without the need for technical knowledge.

Comfort and security

By choosing Sarbacane, you can rely on a over 15 years of expertise and benefit from a dedicated customer service and technical support, ready to help you when needed. With us, you're on the right track.

Catch your customer's eye

More than 250 templates classified by sector have been carefully created by our designers. They are 100% free and customizable. You decide how to get started - customize one of the templates or start from scratch.

Optimized for display on mobile

Today, every other email is read on a mobile. With Sarbacane, creating a 'responsive' newsletters is a breeze. Your emails are automatically optimized for perfect display on all devices.

Why us?

The go-to solution for almost 15 years

Founded in 2001, Sarbacane is one of the pioneers of email marketing. Today, our solution is constantly evolving and chosen by 568 019 users.

A solution that fits your needs

The interface of Sarbacane is user-friendly and ideal for beginners while the advanced features will meet the expectations of more experienced marketers.

Flexible pricing, without commitment

Try Sarbacane one month for free and then choose the plan that best fits your needs starting from 35 € HT. All our rates are without obligation.






Years of expertise

568 019

Acquired users

Our customers trust us

support to help you succeed

Sarbacane's customer service department is available on the phone from 8 am to 6:45 pm.
or by email.

A 100% European solution

A routing infrastructure based in Europe

An emailing tool in your language

A software designed and developed in Europe

Partner of the DMA France

Data & Marketing Association France

Certified and trusted provider

By the Association of Marketing Professionals (ADETEM).

Member of Bpifrance Excellence

Sarbacane Software is one of the 3000 French companies with this label.

Bsoco Awards 2014, 2015 and 2016

Elected three consecutive years as one of the best email marketing solutions.

Member of Transition Numérique Plus

Sarbacane is a partner of the Government programme 'Digital Transition'

Contributing member to Signal Spam

Sarbacane is known for its deliverability expertise and is committed to combating spam.