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Use a professional software to send email marketing campaigns

Why use a professional tool to send email marketing campaigns?

Arguments créer emailing

If you use your regular email program to send bulk email, you will soon risk being considered a spammer and, as a result, your future messages will be blacklisted.
Also, sending professional email marketing campaigns with your regular email provider (e.g. Gmail) is time-consuming, impractical and damages your company's reputation.

1Save time

With an email marketing software, you can automatically manage your blacklists, opt-outs, bounces and duplicates. In addition, you can intuitively create newsletters and schedule your campaigns. Scheduling your upcoming campaigns allows you to save precious time.

2 Protect your reputation

By using an email marketing tool, you protect the sender reputation of your IP address and domain. This way you avoid being considered a spammer. This will have a great impact on the delivery of your messages and therefore also on the success of your campaigns.

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3 Intuitively create email marketing campaigns

Most email marketing software have editors that allow you to create emails with elegant designs that fit your brand and different (responsive) screen sizes. They also have a lot more options when it comes to personalizing your emails for your readers than a traditional email provider can offer, therefore increasing your newsletters’ effectiveness.

4Customize your campaigns

Using an email marketing software allows you to customize the subject line and body of your message with the help of dynamic fields (gender, first name, last name, etc.) As a result, you can achieve a higher opening rate for your campaigns.

Find out how Mailify helps 568 017 companies send out their email marketing campaigns every day.

As a specialist in our industry for more than 15 years, we work daily to ensure the reliability of our infrastructure and services to maximize your chances of reaching the inbox. We have developed a number of features that help you achieve the best delivery rate for your email marketing campaigns.


REVO™ technology

With the goal of constant development and meeting growing demands, Mailify has reinvented the routing version 2.0 for even greater shipping and improved delivery capabilities.


Dedicated domains

Customize your sender domain and behavioral tracking URLs. This gives you two advantages: it will look more coherent in your communication flow and increase the efficiency and deliverability of your campaigns.


A/B test

Thanks to the A/B split test, further improve the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Send two different versions of the subject or message to two different samples from your contact list. The most successful version will be sent to the rest of the list.


Preview before clicking send

Make sure your message displays correctly when they reach the inbox of any email client. Our email marketing software lets you test the appearance in a number of webmails and desktop programs.



Before sending your email marketing campaign to your recipients, test your message with your own and your colleagues' email accounts. It doesn’t end up in spam? Perfect, so it's officially ready to be dispatched.


Pre-dispatch checklist

Mailify will make sure that your email marketing campaign is complete and you have not forgotten anything before sending. If something is missing, Mailify will alert you. This ensures that your mail is delivered correctly.


Anti-spam test

Before you submit your campaign, Mailify will test it to make sure it does not end up in the spam box. That way, your message will arrive safely in your readers' inboxes and increase your chances of a successful campaign.


Schedule your submissions

Choose whether to send immediately or later. You can schedule an automatic dispatch to a future date. This allows you to manage your own time better and work on other tasks in the meantime.


Predictive delivery

Mailify analyzes all contacts to find the best time to submit your campaign. Our software detects the exact day and time when your emails get the most likely opened for each contact in your list. Thus, your messages will be delivered at the best time.