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Download the desktop version of Sarbacane

Use the web version of Sarbacane


Compatible PC / Windows Vista, 7, 8.x, all versions of Windows 10 Windows / Compatible 32, 64-bit / memory RAM: 1024 MB minimum, recommended 2048 MB / direct and unfiltered Internet access (access to services and updates) / Screen Resolution minimum: 1024 * 768 / required disk space: 100 MB for the application (+ space for data)


Mac / Mac OS 10.10.5 and superior / 64-bit capable / Safari browser / memory RAM: 1024 MB minimum, recommended 2048 MB / direct and unfiltered Internet access needed (access to services and updates) / minimum screen resolution: 1024 * 768 / Required disk space: 100 MB for the application (+ space for data)