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How do I analyse my statistics?

The statistics in Mailify show a lot of information that you could use for your records and to organise your campaigns. Sometimes it can be difficult to know if these statistics are good or if they meant that you need to improve something. Therefore, we have created a guide to help you interpret your statistics in order to optimize your campaigns.

The tab "Summary" shows you the most relevant data of your campaign in one page.

The Graph
The graph shows the relationship between the following statistics: Openings, Clicks, Bounces, Unsubscribes and Complaints during a period of time (which you have selected). You can select or deselect each one of the 5 options to see the relationship between particular statistics. This feature allows you to see how your recipients react to your emails during different times of the year, or how they interact with each campaign.

The percentage of openings shows you how many people have opened your email. This is a useful because it allows you to see if your recipients find the emails interesting. If you have a percentage of between 10-15% this is normal and will improve if you continue sending successful, regular campaigns. A figure of over 15% is considered good. However, if you have a figure that is lower than 10%, it could be because the emails are arriving in junk. Click here to see our guide on how to avoid emails arriving in junk.

The percentage of clicks shows how many people have clicked on a link in your message and it is calculated as a percentage of the number of recipients. It is usually around 5%.

Reactivity rate
The reactivity rate shows how many people have opened your email and have then clicked on one of the links. The percentage is calculated by the number of people who have clicked on the link divided by how many people opened it. In the tab "Content", you are able to filter this data and see on which links your recipients have clicked, which can be useful to know how many people were interested enough in the email to go to your website. A normal figure for the reactivity rate is around 15%.

Desktop vs. Mobile
From this graph, we see the percentage of people that have opened the email from their computer and from their mobile. This will help you to decide if you need to adjust the format of your email. For example, if you see that a lot of users open your messages on their mobile, you should make sure that your next campaign is optimized for mobile.

Display time
The display time shows you if your recipients read the content of your message, or if they just open the emails and close them immeadiately. If the majority of the recipients spend less than 10 seconds reading your emails, it might be worth adjusting the content of your message to make it more relevant to them. However, a low figure does not necessarily mean it is negative. For example, if there are a lot of clicks, it could be that the recipients clicked on the links in your message instead of spending time reading it. In this case, it shows your email was a success.

In the tab "Recipients", you can see information about each recipient and their behaviour (Openings, clicks, bounces etc.). Also, you can see the geolocation of all the recipients who performed an action.

Behavioural Tracking
In this section, you can see the information of every recipient individiually and how they have interacted with your emails. You can change the dates and the statistics that you want to view.

This is really useful feautre for filtering recipients, for example to see how many of them have clicked on a particular link such as the link to your website or to buy a product. This can be helpful in many ways, depending on the needs of your company. For more information on how to filter your recipients, see our guide here.

Knowing the geolocation of your customers can help you in your objectives because it shows you where in the world your recipients have performed an action (openings, clicks etc.). This allows you to decide if you want to send campaigns directed at certain sectors.

In the tab "Content", you can see more information about all the links in your message, including how many people have clicked on each link, the campaigns included and the corresponding emails.

When you make a campaign with Mailify, you can fill in the category of each link from the menu (Message => Links). This information will appear here in the column "Category". If you enter a name here, if can help you to identify on which type of link your recipients have clicked. For example, if there were 3 identical URLs but they were in different formats (button, image and normal link), you could see which ones more people have clicked on.

Total clicks
This figure shows the number of total clicks, including if someone has clicked the link more than once. This can help you to know how interesting your campaigns are for your recipients.

Unique Clicks
Even more useful than the number of total clicks, the number of unique clicks shows how many people have clicked on a link in your message, and it only counts one click per person. Therefore, you can see how many people are interested in each link. An average figure for this is between 3% and 5%.

Reference Campaigns
When you select a timeframe of campaigns to view, you will have more than one campaign included in your statistics. Therefore, this figure tells you in how many campaigns the link appears.

Reference Emails
This figure shows you how many people have recieved each link, according to the number of campaigns that you have sent during this period. It could be useful to see the percentage of recipients that have clicked on each link.

In the tab "Technology" you can see the statistics of Desktop/Mobile distribution and Email tools. These statistics can help you to decide on the format of your emails.

Desktop/Mobile Distribution
This figure also appears in the Summary, and allows you to with view which device your recipients have opened your emails.

Email tools
This graph allows you to see if your recipients open your email on the web or in an email programme (and which one). If there is a high percentage of recipients that open your emails from an email programme, it could be that you need to think about optimizing the format of your email to enhance the way it looks in these inboxes.