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Choose an outstanding text message routing platform

Enjoy a high-quality, easy and quick routing to send marketing texts to your contacts. Build customer loyalty and acquire new customers thanks to our tool. Sarbacane is a major player in the text message marketing sector in Europe.


Why choose text message routing?

Communicate with your contacts

Professional SMS campaigns are an integral part of the companies' communication strategy. They make it possible to convert prospects and build customer loyalty.

Communicate with your contacts

Attract and prospect potential clients with impactful text message campaigns.

Engage your audience

By sending professional text messages, you create a strong bond with your customers and build trust.

Improve your customer relationship management

With our text message service, you can keep in touch with your customers throughout their entire purchase process to better meet their expectations.

Learn about the benefits of SMS marketing

Send your sales texts at the right time

It's not easy to determine the ideal time to send a marketing text to your contact list. This depends on a number of factors, like the target and your sector of activity. For more relevant text messages, test and compare the results of your marketing campaigns.

Choose to send it immediately or with a delay

With the Sarbacane platform, you can choose between 2 sending modes for your text message campaigns: immediate sending or delayed sending. Send your campaign immediately to our servers for validation. You can also choose the second option: set the date and time to send your marketing text message.

Send automatic campaigns

Incorporate a marketing automation logic into your text messaging channel based on predefined scenarios. Save time and automate your actions to increase customer loyalty.

transactional text messages

Send transactional text messages at the right point in the customer relationship and inform them automatically of order confirmations, payments, packages received, etc.

text message alerts

Notify your customers about important information in real time and automatically. Benefit from a fast and efficient text message sending platform. Inform your clients about appointment reminders, or send them a unique password...


Enjoy a secure text message routing service

The personal data management infrastructures that Sarbacane processes are hosted in Europe. Each communication campaign sent with Sarbacane is analyzed and moderated by our team before its final sending.

Learn more about our SMS sending software